45th Reunion Info
Kim W. Rellahan
Rajankulma 71
04840 Hautuarvi
Upon receiving my MBA from UWM, I began a career of working for some of the top Wall Street investment banks (Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers etc.) in Chicago, New York and London. After many years on fixed income trading floors, I switched gears a bit in 1999 and became Senior Editorial Writer (U.S. Treasury Mkts) for Market News Intl. Ldn. Later in 2000, I joined IFR Ldn (International Financing Review) as Senior Editorial Writer (European Bond Mkts).
Married in 1970 (Columbus Ohio), divorced in 1978, two daughters, one a Hollywood entertainment writer and the other most recently traveling in Sweden/Denmark (International MBA program). Remarried in 1986 (Valkeakoski Finland), my wife Minna is now 44, one daughter named Celina, age (16).
Attracted back to New York’s Wall Street in 2004, living in Brooklyn with a rather complicated monthy commute to London and family. By mid-2005, we decided it was just too much so we decided to pull the plug in favour of retirement. We moved two horses, seven dogs, three cats and ourselves from beautiful English countryside to ever so beautiful Finnish countryside. Spent a year to build a permanent house and stables close to our summer house surrounded by a lot of forest and grazing land.
With the house nearing completion, the trading floor must still attract as I have just recently taken a job as Senior Advisor (Debt and Capital Mkts Division) for OKO Bank, Finland’s second largest bank. Needless to say my plate is full again so I have to take leave of this year’s reunion. Wishing everyone the best, see you hopefully for the next big one.